Salsa On2 School at Studio Co-

[Specialty] SALSA Master Class & Turn Technique [for leads & follows]
with Yuki Garcia

May 7 (Tuesday)
at 6:30 pm

Class length
45 minutes

This class aims to enhance both lead and follow turn and drill techniques:
Our objective is to aid you in performing controlled and balanced turns. We concentrate on understanding the mechanics of various turns, such as the walk-around turn, quick turn, a range of traveling turns, and multiple turns. We'll instruct you on moving your body as a single unit, executing controlled turns, and consistently spotting your turns.
You'll learn and practice the concept of turning in halves and drill the technique, which includes:
  • Basic turns
  • Weight shifting
  • Timing
  • Balance
This class is ideal for advanced beginners and higher levels.
Requirement: Completion of Salsa Level 1 at the minimum.